Constellation Explorer


The API is useful for example to show constellation information in block or round pages.

Please however don't use it to scrap data.

Fetch information

Use supported methods via GET and get a JSON reply.

API Link:, with the parameter p=Api
Results are given in a "result" field (null if something went wrong) and errors in an "error" field (null if there were no issue).


Get the data of a single prime constellation.

method getConstellation
height The block height


For now, simply get the registration time and the score.

method getMiner
username The miner username

Update information

Use supported methods via POST and get a JSON reply.

API Link:
Results are given in a "result" field (null if something went wrong) and errors in an "error" field (null if there were no issue).

updatePoolBlock(username, height, token)

A pool can update the finder of one of their blocks using this API. For this, their admin(s) need to request in the Riecoin Forum a private token.

Then, miners should for the blocks they found have a way to enter an username and associate them.

method updatePoolBlock
username The username of a registered user, note that the Constellation Explorer and the Pool accounts (if any) are distinct
height The block height to claim
token The pool token