Riecoin Core/RPC Calls

From Riecoin

This page will expose the changes of the RPC calls from Bitcoin (Riecoin Core 23.04 Vs Bitcoin Core 24.0.1)

Generally, deprecated or compatibility Bitcoin commands or arguments are completely deleted earlier in Riecoin Core to encourage developers to maintain their code up to date and favor future developments by not carrying a Legacy burden. The deprecatedrpc argument does not exist anymore.

Renamed Commands

getnetworkhashps -> getnetworkminingpower

The getnetworkhashps call was renamed to getnetworkminingpower. It gives a normalized mining power metric, which correspond to how many times the current network's mining power is higher than the power needed to find a block a minimum difficulty every 150 s. Read Stella to learn more about this.

New Commands

generatecode and verifycode

They RPC calls allow you to generate and verify Riecoin 2FA Codes.


This new RPC call returns the first prime number of a prime constellation. It can take a Bool as an argument: if it is true, it will return more detailed information about the PoW result (like what type of constellation it is, ...)

Commands with altered Arguments


confTarget can no longer be used, use conf_target instead.


The descriptors argument was deleted as Descriptor Wallets are now the only wallet type.


It is no longer possible to pass a true for the second argument, nor use feeRate (which was replaced by fee_rate - be careful about the different rate units! fee_rate is in rie/vB, feeRate was in RIC/kvB).


The dummy first argument which always had to be set to *, and the include_watchonly field, which was only relevant for Legacy Wallets, were deleted.


The include_watchonly argument, which was only relevant for Legacy Wallets, was deleted.

listreceivedbyaddress and listreceivedbylabel

The include_watchonly argument, which was only relevant for Legacy Wallets, was deleted.

listsinceblock and listtransactions

The include_watchonly argument, which was only relevant for Legacy Wallets, was deleted.


The dummy second argument which always had to be set to 0 or null was deleted.


The options argument, which was only useful for a feature only relevant for Legacy Wallets, was deleted.

Commands with altered Output


There is no longer a iswatchonly field, as it was only relevant for Legacy Wallets.


The fields powversion and patterns were added. They are mostly useful to distinguish Mainnet and Testnet, and are also useful for the second hard fork, as well as future ones.

The fields target and noncerange were deleted.


The field networkhashps was renamed to networkminingpower.


There can no longer be a involvesWatchonly field, as it was only relevant for Legacy Wallets.


There can no longer be keypoololdest and hdseedid fields, as they wer only relevant for Legacy Wallets.

The deprecated balance, unconfirmed_balance, and immature_balance fields were also removed. Use getbalances instead, the fields were respectively equivalent to the mine.trusted, mine.untrusted_pending and mine.immature fields.

listreceivedbyaddress and listreceivedbylabel

There can no longer be a involvesWatchonly field, as it was only relevant for Legacy Wallets.

listtransactions and listsinceblock

There can no longer be a involvesWatchonly field, as it was only relevant for Legacy Wallets.

Deleted Commands


Use getbalances instead (mine.untrusted_pending field).

Legacy Wallets Commands

These commands are purely and simply deleted, rather than returning an error message when not used with a Legacy Wallet:

  • addmultisigaddress
  • dumpprivkey
  • dumpwallet
  • importaddress
  • importmulti
  • importprivkey
  • importpubkey
  • importwallet
  • migratewallet: Riecoin Core will not provide a built-in tool to migrate Legacy Wallets.
  • newkeypool
  • sethdseed

listdescriptors and importdescriptors replace some of them.