
From Riecoin

This page lists current Riecoin mining pools. Instructions for pooled mining with rieMiner can be found here.

To prevent centralization, please choose a pool that does not already have a large part of the mining power. You can find the distribution here (including large solo miners).

Discuss about them here and be sure to create a topic if you are operating one of them!


The Mining URL and Port are parameters for your miner software.

The pools are listed in alphabetical order. Pools with a too large mining power may be temporarily hidden to help spreading miners.

Pool Operator Mining URL Mining Port Remarks
Gypsum Chainworks Industries gypsum.chainworksindustries.com 2004 No account required, use a Riecoin address as username and anything as password.
Kilomau Yerus kilomau.com 2005 No account required, use a Riecoin address as username and anything as password.
MiningMadness Unknown miningmadness.com 3200 No account required, use a Riecoin address as username and anything as password.
Stelo.xyz Pttn Stelo.xyz 2005 Account optional. Allows easy conversions with Bitcoins and cheap BTC withdrawals. Distributes PoWc. Guide
Suprnova OcMiner ric.suprnova.cc 5000 Use username.worker as username.

Some pools stats with MiningPoolStats.

Create a new pool

If you have the required knowledge, you could also start a mining pool! StellaPool provides basic software to achieve this. Of course it should be good enough if you want to have it listed here.