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Block 1871094

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Timestamp (UTC)1675090625 -> 2023-01-30 14:57:05
DifficultyD = 886.83984375 = 886 + 215/256
Target (T)āŒŠDāŒ‹ = 886
L = 202
H = 99836077030480184536972738301971496938709095484153034249394728713808811935160
T = 2āŒŠDāŒ‹ + L Ɨ 2āŒŠDāŒ‹ - 8 + H Ɨ 2āŒŠDāŒ‹ - 264
Offset (X)P = 82
f = 119474739
o = 114189340938131
o' = 0
X = pP# - (T mod pP#) + f Ɨ pP# + o
Base Primen = T + X + o' =
= 314255785203484369807359372499569376694545154324089529423522734845556305748049593371432666300611 Ɨ p82# + 114189340938131
log2(n) = ~886.8419171593, 267 digits
Patternn + (0, 2, 6, 8, 12, 18, 20), length 7

You can learn more about the PoW protocol here.
o' is not part of the Riecoin protocol, it is used here to adjust the Base Prime for some 8-tuples and longer so the pattern offsets start at 0.

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